So remember that cryptid hunter character I had from a while back?
Recently had an idea that would put him in a 3rd party faction called “Cazadores Sin Reinos” (Hunters Without Kingdoms) or CSR (Also yes, they are a blatant RWBY-fyed version of MSF from Metal Gear Solid)
Their leader, Jack Ferrum was an ex-Ace Op who refused to execute unarmed villagers during a raid on a bandit settlement, and was shot and left to die for his troubles. He survived his wounds and vowed to never let another massacre like that happen again.
Two years pass, and Jack is back and he’s not alone, he has created a group who’s sole purpose is to protect the people of Remnant, not fighting for any kingdoms, ideologies, money, or race, they exist to protect those who cannot protect themselves, Jack is the leader, Levi is in charge of training and testing new recruits as well as leading hunts, and Gabriel (who I’ll get to later) is in charge of intelligence gathering and espionage.
It’s been an idea in my head for a while now and it feels good to get it out there.