
this message may be offensive
So I am fucking laughing my ass off at the fact my 2015 half cooked bullshit Akatuski story is so damn popular haha. It's not even good like  but thank you all that's really made my day and stopped me from deleting my old "Garbage" writing haha. Will hopefully come on here and write more but you all know I'm inconsistent


this message may be offensive
So I am fucking laughing my ass off at the fact my 2015 half cooked bullshit Akatuski story is so damn popular haha. It's not even good like  but thank you all that's really made my day and stopped me from deleting my old "Garbage" writing haha. Will hopefully come on here and write more but you all know I'm inconsistent


Yay don’t worry now. I AM HERE


Haha ✨ill ne here to support my baby 


@Bonnie-Rick-Morty fair working full time I can't write so late anymore but I am excited to start writing again