Hello everyone! You’re probably surprised to see a message from me of all people. It’s been quite a few years since this account has been active. To address a few things:
1. Yes, I did unpublish basically everything I had. It was all pretty bad writing on my part since I definitely was a lot younger when this account was made and I’ve definitely grown since then.
2. While I appreciate comments from people asking questions and DMs, it did hurt my feelings a bit when I’m told to just remove a story or stop writing (which technically I did for a long time). It’s fine now, but my pride was a little bruised lol.
3. There will be restructuring happening! Big things will be coming from this account and things will be changed, updated, cut, or entirely redesigned. I will be rewriting many things to fit who I am and what my style looks like now.
4. I can’t promise consistent updates. I know, I know. I’m sorry, but that’s something that hasn’t changed about me. I’ve moved into my adult like with many habits that didn’t change when I was a teen, but I do want to try and update once a month (no promises, I do have a rather interesting schedule)
All in all, I do appreciate the people that wished me well and offered support. It’s been a long time coming, overdue really, but I will be slightly active now that I have some downtime.