
I am going to finish up Freedom-Bound before I get back to Hidden in the Past, and there are only a couple more chapters of F-B left. Take note, it will be Part 1 of 3 in a series. Haven't named the series yet.


Yes, hello, I am still alive. Yes, I did post two chapters in two days, the first one was a chapter that I wrote and forgot to post, the second was half-finished until just now. F-B is my main focus at the moment, but I may write a bit of HitP today also, seeing as I have absolutely nothing to do right now.
          It'd mean a lot if you could go check out Freedom-Bound, because firstly, the title is the single most creative title because it describes the situation perfectly, and it is a paradox. Secondly, no one's really read it. Except for 15 people, and half of those are probably me anyway. 
          Don't give up on me, I've just gone on a very long break, but I think I'm making a comeback, if this is what you call it.


Feel free to check out my Nanowrimo story now, I just posted everything I've written. I can't seem to find a good cover though. I know there aren't a lot of my fans out there, but if any of you are skilled at making covers, I might need your help. You don't have to though.


I'm sorry I don't update often. The main reason is because all my ideas come at once, and then I usually have an older version of this story when the ideas come, and then I end up rewriting it to fit my new ideas, and then I hit writer's block, and then after awhile  I realize that my old idea was stupid, and I scrap it and try again. It's a vicious cycle, but I don't know how to break it. My apologies. I am never satisfied with my work.


So, this is how the number system will work:
          Each name will consist of 8 letters, and each number has an assigned purpose. The first two are the most defining numbers, and are always paired in two. The rest I will leave as a mystery to you.
          They will now only be referred to their first two numbers, so now 642 will be referenced to as 64, 525 is now 52, and 245 is 24. I am going back to change all of these, and it shouldn't be a problem, but the names themselves will change, except Nick's, whose name I used as a reference to the others.
          64246527 - same
          245 - 24242569
          525 - 52247544
          Again, I'm sorry about the confusion. If any of you have questions regarding the new naming system, message me.