
You just want these thoughts to stop. They frustrate you, overwhelm you, and make you feel numb, anxious, and exhausted.
          	You keep asking yourself: Why won’t these thoughts leave me alone? What should I do with them? How can I make them stop? What do they want from me? When will they go away?
          	It happens, and it's normal. But the problem is that you either ignore them completely, or worse - you start believing them as if they are true. And when you do nothing about them, they keep affecting you.
          	For example, if your thoughts tell you that you’re a bad person, you might either accept it or try to ignore it. But ignoring doesn’t help, and accepting it only makes you feel worse. Instead, take a moment to question these thoughts. Have I really done something wrong? If yes, and you regret it, then try to make it right. Nothing is over - you still have time to change things for the better.
          	If you didn’t score well in your exams or struggle with studying, and your thoughts keep calling you a failure, useless, or a loser - don’t accept it. Instead of letting these thoughts control you, work on improving yourself. Do your best for yourself.
          	If you’ve made mistakes in the past, don’t stay stuck there. You have the present, and you can still shape your future. Stop holding onto regret so much that it ruins your chances of moving forward. It won’t be easy, but it’s not impossible. You just need to put in the right effort.
          	Your mind isn’t like a machine that can turn thoughts on and off. You can’t completely get rid of them, but you can understand them and make better choices. Trust me - you still have time. Use it wisely. Try to stay positive and fight these thoughts by taking action. You can do this. Take care of yourself.


@GentleNotes I needed this so badly right now because I'm just thinking that what if I don't make it? But now, I'm feeling much more confident. Just going back to my exams study session, Thank you for this encouragement ♡ :) Hope you have a nice day/night, and take care of yourself too! 


@GentleNotes I will text ya on Pinterest!


@poeticstardust_ is anything bothering you? You know if you want you can share it with me, it's totally upto you. I'll try my best to listen and understand. You can share it on Pinterest if you aren't comfortable here. What's making you feel stuck? Something causing you trouble? No pressure on you, you can talk about it whenever you feel like. What things are holding you? Like what are your thoughts? 


Hi! So like how are YOU doing?


@GentleNotes im broke and take out in china is actually quite healthy you can get almost anything from thid yrllow dog app with a yellow dog logo thing like um word omg word umm ma something


@Pancake-Cookie that's great! But you need to eat homemade food more, okay? As it's good for your health. 


@GentleNotes :D glad your doing good as well! now ima go make soup i like soup or cup noodles or takeout ohh i could order noodles ill figure it out


You just want these thoughts to stop. They frustrate you, overwhelm you, and make you feel numb, anxious, and exhausted.
          You keep asking yourself: Why won’t these thoughts leave me alone? What should I do with them? How can I make them stop? What do they want from me? When will they go away?
          It happens, and it's normal. But the problem is that you either ignore them completely, or worse - you start believing them as if they are true. And when you do nothing about them, they keep affecting you.
          For example, if your thoughts tell you that you’re a bad person, you might either accept it or try to ignore it. But ignoring doesn’t help, and accepting it only makes you feel worse. Instead, take a moment to question these thoughts. Have I really done something wrong? If yes, and you regret it, then try to make it right. Nothing is over - you still have time to change things for the better.
          If you didn’t score well in your exams or struggle with studying, and your thoughts keep calling you a failure, useless, or a loser - don’t accept it. Instead of letting these thoughts control you, work on improving yourself. Do your best for yourself.
          If you’ve made mistakes in the past, don’t stay stuck there. You have the present, and you can still shape your future. Stop holding onto regret so much that it ruins your chances of moving forward. It won’t be easy, but it’s not impossible. You just need to put in the right effort.
          Your mind isn’t like a machine that can turn thoughts on and off. You can’t completely get rid of them, but you can understand them and make better choices. Trust me - you still have time. Use it wisely. Try to stay positive and fight these thoughts by taking action. You can do this. Take care of yourself.


@GentleNotes I needed this so badly right now because I'm just thinking that what if I don't make it? But now, I'm feeling much more confident. Just going back to my exams study session, Thank you for this encouragement ♡ :) Hope you have a nice day/night, and take care of yourself too! 


@GentleNotes I will text ya on Pinterest!


@poeticstardust_ is anything bothering you? You know if you want you can share it with me, it's totally upto you. I'll try my best to listen and understand. You can share it on Pinterest if you aren't comfortable here. What's making you feel stuck? Something causing you trouble? No pressure on you, you can talk about it whenever you feel like. What things are holding you? Like what are your thoughts? 


I created an Instagram account. The link to my account is in my bio here. If you want to chat with me, we can chat there. Take care, everyone!


@sturniololoverboy1 you can follow me on Pinterest, do you use Pinterest? My Pinterest ID is GentleNotes03.


@GentleNotes I would but i dont have insta, sorry


            Sure, lemme follow ya there


When you feel miserable, overwhelmed, and unable to handle things, it may seem like everything is too much. You might feel like  that nothing will ever get better. You don’t know what to do. Numbness and emptiness surround you. You may even think of ending everything.
          In moments like these, you forget all the encouraging words you have read before. The inspiring stories you once knew disappear from your mind. This happens because negative thoughts take over. Negativity is easy - it always comes first when you are feeling low. That’s why you start feeling bad about yourself, as if nothing can be fixed.
          Each time you face hardship, instead of learning and growing, you focus on these negative thoughts. But ask yourself - are they helping you? No, they are only making things worse. They make you feel lazy and stuck because positivity takes effort, while negativity comes without trying.
          To stay positive, you have to fight these negative thoughts. It’s like going against yourself because your own mind tells you to give up and let negativity win. Being negative is similar to being lazy - it’s easy to do nothing. But even if you feel overwhelmed, you should not stay in that state for too long.
          You must put effort into helping yourself. Staying positive is not easy, but it is possible. It takes time, energy, and hard work, but it is worth it. You are an intelligent being, meant to learn and grow, not to sit still and doubt yourself.
          So keep trying.
          Keep going.
          Keep doing your best.
          Keep thinking positively.
          Keep working hard.
          Keep seeking truth.
          Keep seeking wisdom.
          Keep growing.
          Keep learning.
          Keep putting in the effort.
          You are capable of doing much better. You need to focus on yourself. Don’t ignore your own well-being. Don’t put yourself down. You still have time. Nothing is over yet.
          Follow the path of truth. Don’t take the easy way out if it leads to destruction. Think wisely and deeply. Seek knowledge with wisdom. Take care of yourself. You matter.


@GentleNotes aaaaa i feel good


Assalamualaikum [Peace be upon you]
          ● What is Ramadan?
          Allah has commanded Muslims to fast during Ramadan in the Qur'an:
          Surah Al-Baqarah (2:183)
          "O you who have believed, fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you so that you may attain Taqwa (piety)."
          This verse shows that fasting is an obligation for Muslims, just as it was for previous nations. The purpose of fasting is to increase Taqwa, which means developing self-control, fearing Allah, and staying away from sins.
          Surah Al-Baqarah (2:185)
          "The month of Ramadan [is that] in which the Qur'an was revealed, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey – then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship, and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful."
          This verse tells us that Ramadan is the month in which the Qur'an was revealed. It also states that fasting is obligatory for those who witness the month, but if someone is sick or traveling, they can make up the fasts later.


@GentleNotes Zajakallah dear, may Allah grant our prayers and forgive our sins in this ramadan


@ GentleNotes  ramadan Mubarak <333


You can’t force anyone to act right. You can’t make them stay. You can’t make them make the right choices. You can expect things from people, but you can’t control them. It’s their choice to put in effort or not. You have no control over how others behave.
          The only thing you can do is focus on yourself. Make yourself strong enough so that you don’t get hurt to the point where everything starts to feel negative.
          I know it hurts when you show kindness and care, but all you get in return is pain. It makes you question yourself. Your mind becomes full of thoughts, and you keep thinking in circles - questioning, blaming, and regretting everything.
          But you need to understand that you have done your best. If all you want is good for others, that is enough. It is an effort in itself. Trying your best not to hurt anyone is enough. Trying to stay calm is enough. Just don’t hate or blame yourself. Hurting yourself is not worth it. In the end, you are the one who suffers.
          Think about it - why waste your time and energy on things that don’t help you? Use that energy to do good for yourself. You need that strength to fight negative thoughts every day. Don’t let the behavior of others bring you down. Value yourself. Think good about yourself.
          Start building positive habits. Take better care of yourself. Put in effort for your own well-being. Nothing has ended. You still have time to improve. Your efforts matter, and the good you do matters. Keep trying and doing your best.
          Never lose hope. You can do it. You really can.


Everything takes time, effort, and energy to build - whether it's a house, a cake, a painting, a clean room, a school project, or anything else. Some things take minutes, others take hours, days, or even months. Only you know how much hard work went into completing your task.
          Now, think about destroying it. How long would that take? Not much time at all. A painting can be ruined by spilling paint on it. A dish can be spoiled by adding random ingredients. A clean room can become a mess just by throwing things everywhere.
          The same happens with your emotions and mental health. When you're frustrated, angry, overwhelmed, or numb, you might make quick decisions without thinking. But making wise choices requires a calm mind. If you act without thinking, you might hurt yourself more.
          No matter how overwhelmed you feel, try not to do anything you’ll regret later. Don’t add more problems to your life. Instead, find healthy ways to deal with your emotions. Don’t harm yourself the way others might have hurt you. Don’t follow those who make your mental health worse.
          Your responsibility is to care for yourself, to find balance, and to make good choices. You can’t change others, but you can change yourself. As long as you are breathing, there is still time.
          You have worked hard to build yourself up - don’t destroy that in an instant. If people try to bring you down, stay strong and hold on to the good inside you.
          You can do this. Yes, you can! Take care of yourself and keep doing your best. Your efforts matter.


Sometimes, you feel nothing, but at the same time, everything feels overwhelming. You don’t know exactly why, or maybe you do, but it’s still too hard to handle. You don’t feel like doing anything, or maybe you’re just tired of everything. Things are changing - both in yourself and around you - but you don’t know what to do.
          First, you need to understand yourself. Then, you need to put in effort for yourself. No one else can do it for you. You have to start with yourself. You are not late. Nothing has ended. You still have time to make changes and improve things.
          Think about it - how much time and energy have you wasted overthinking? Sometimes, even when you do nothing, you feel tired and drained. That’s because of overthinking. It’s complicated, frustrating, and hard to explain. But in the end, does overthinking help you? Does it solve any problems? Does it make you feel better? The truth is, overthinking doesn’t fix anything; it only makes things worse.
          You need to let go of the past. Holding onto it is making life harder for you. You can’t change it. Your future depends on what you do now. And remember, one day, your present and future will also become the past. If you don’t make an effort now, regrets will keep adding up.
          You should distance yourself from people who bring you down - those who never try to improve, always complain, and feel jealous for no reason. Surround yourself with things and people that help you grow.
          And if you don’t have positive people around you, then become strong enough to not let negativity control you. It’s not easy to stay positive all the time, but you can improve little by little. At the very least, don’t bring yourself down - that itself is an effort. Sit calmly, try to have control over your thoughts, and remind yourself that you must keep trying for your own betterment.
          You can do it. Take care of yourself.


You feel stuck between the past and the future. Regrets from the past won’t let you move on, and fear of the future stops you from making the right efforts. Because of this, your present is suffering.
          When you keep thinking about the past, the same thoughts keep repeating in your mind. This stops you from focusing on the present and making progress. But if you don’t work on your present, your future may also be at risk.
          First, you need to understand one thing: no matter what decisions you made in the past, you cannot change them now. But that doesn’t mean everything is over. You can still make things better. How? By focusing on your present.
          You know yourself best. You know what you have been through, what mistakes you made, and what regrets you have. You know how people treated you. Now ask yourself: can you change anything or anyone from the past? The answer is no.
          So instead of thinking about the past all the time, focus on your present. Work on it in the best way possible so you can build a better future.
          You cannot change people. No matter how much you want them to act right, they will only change when they want to. You also cannot change the environment around you. But you can work on yourself and learn to deal with it. Some days will feel too empty, while others may feel too overwhelming.
          Train your mind, your thoughts, and your emotions. Focus on improving yourself. Learn to balance and control yourself. Stop consuming negative content or letting bad experiences take over your mind. Work hard on yourself and use your energy to think positively.
          You have energy, but you are wasting it on overthinking about things that don’t help you. Be careful about how you use your energy. Try not to bring yourself down, and don’t stay around people who make you feel low.


To all the students who are preparing for or giving their exams, I know you might be feeling worried or stressed right now. But remember, this is not the end.
          I’m not saying that everyone is unprepared or doing average. No matter how much you study, it's normal to feel nervous and anxious. But you need to stay calm and focus on doing your best. If you still have time before your exams, use it wisely and prepare as much as you can. Overthinking about bad results will not help you. I know it's hard to stop worrying, but don't let it hold you back or make you feel stuck.
          Sometimes, our negative thoughts make us feel like we can’t do anything more. But that’s not true. If you want good results, the best way is to start preparing from day one. Make a plan and work towards your goal. Sitting and wasting time will not help.
          Don't keep thinking bad things about yourself. Instead, start putting in more effort from now on. I truly hope the best for all of you. No matter what results you get - good, bad, or average - remember that one exam does not decide your worth.
          I understand that people around you have expectations. If things don’t go as they expected, it may be difficult for you. But please don’t lose hope or feel too bad. Try to stay positive and fight negative thoughts.
          If this exam doesn’t go well, don’t blame yourself. Instead, gather strength and prepare better for the next opportunity. Don’t waste your time and energy overthinking. Use it to improve yourself. Take care of yourself as much as possible.
          I wish you all the best for your exams!


@GentleNotes  Should've seen ts when i was in school 


@GentleNotes I'm giving exams and your words made me feel good ! Thank you so much! U are really amazing 