Exams exams exams. Two more days and I'll finally be done! I'm so sorry for not updating lately, but I've been in an academic mood this whole time and I've barely had time to think.
I do, however, have something big coming up in a few days. Yes, I'm writing a new book.
Bounty Hard will still be updated regularly, just probably not as often as before. One thing I can say about this new book, it's definitely more fun to read than any books I've written before. I guarantee it. Bounty Hard and Cilyber are just depressing, so I wanted to try something new, see how well it works. It seems to be working better than I initially expected.
Thanks for reading through, and I hope you're all doing well! How's YOUR writing going? And how's your summer so far?
Happy to see you all again, and have a wonderful day/evening!