
Five days free, BooK Promotion giving Away health story Ebook.

          Historia basada y Adaptada de suenos  propheticos reales del mi persona JPerez  todos mis libros de esta trilogia son impiraciones Divinas para enriqueser la fe y la verdad del lector  mas adaptacions en fision para dar mejor lectura y llevarlos a otra dimencion donde los suenos son realidad nunca hemos estado solos mundos parallelos y mas aqui les dejo mi entrega 3  Portal Codigo RHN-G3 antes 
          El secreto milenario   Sam Stewart, viajero en el tiempo sobre viajeros en el tiempo y en busca de la cura del COVID 19 espero les agrade dejen sus comentarios  apoyemos  los authores latinos Gracias.


          Hi Jorge,
          Thank you for purchasing our BASIC subscription plan! "MILLENNIAL SECRET OF SAM STEWART'S, TRAVEL IN TIME" has been assessed, and its current status is available below.
          Your story's current status is: APPROVED.
          You can find your story's profile online by clicking here. 
          It is now fully searchable within our library, based on all the information you filled out in your questionnaire. Producers can request to read your story, which will be sent in an encrypted digital room to the interested party only. If we receive an offer for your story's dramatic rights, we will reach out and put you in touch with the optioning producer to negotiate the terms.
          If you haven't already, the BASIC subscription plan allows you to opt into our TaleFlick Discovery contest, in which fans vote on the stories they would like to see adapted to film or TV. If your submission is approved, you will be notified via email about your contest start date. Click here.
          Congratulations on your work!