In a difficult era, a man named Sam discovers a secret in the mansion that was his dream. All the course of his life he wished to have his own destiny, a property and a family of his own, but he became a hermit who put a family on the brink of danger and thus everything around him, without knowing that his destiny and his future would be bigger than a man can believe.

An unexpected event causes him to hide his whole life in the bowels of a bunker. There he created the vault of time that would change his life and become User 111-1, a time traveler to an uncertain future.

A great secret after all Georky's past lives were the greatest inventions that humanity and beings from multiple worlds can imagine.

Enter the vault of time with Sam and you will discover the mystery, fiction, times, parallel worlds, the ends of the universe, and the secrets outside the imagination of any being or race. 20 million destinations and coordinates. Travel with us in the sphere of time, The greatest event of the century was the discovery by a gold sphere of a pandemic that terrifies the entire world, (Covdi 19) and the discovery of his cure outside the earth parallel world ...
  • ny
  • JoinedMay 23, 2020
