
Hello there, I just finished your story, and I was genuinely very surprised at how accurate everything in it was. Just to check in, is everything alright? You still alive?


@Pixel-coco of course! Stay safe!


Thank you so much! It's not much but it's helpful. Sorry for bothering you, bye!


@Pixel-coco np! hm... currently, my biggest struggle is; "show not say". I'm focusing on that advice personally!


Hiya! Random person again lol.
          I wanna make sure your doing okay?
          Updates on books arent important to me, as good as the book may be. My concern is wether or not you're alright. We haven't heard from you since May I believe, which was quite a bit ago.


@Honkedx yep! I'm good! I got frustrated with the story and took a break, found out I was pregnant, suffering for the next few months, doing research for another story I'm working on and getting inspiration to finish this one. I'm working silently, but working


Hey, not sure you read these, but if you do, you're amazing! Your book has impacted me in many ways. The only reason I can even begin to write the way I can today is because I read your story, and you're the one that inspired me to even write in the first place! Even if I don't have any finished stories yet, and my writing isn't amazing, the ammount of inspiration I got from reading your story is humongous! If you decide to write another book after Trapped, then I'll be looking forward to it, no matter what kind of book it is.


@Geofox  Ah, thank you for that! It may not seem like it, but honestly this made my day 10x better.


@Bluex-- aw, that's very kind of you! If it helps you feel more comfortable about your writing, my first version of this story is under the user "hollowstone" (the one with the autumn leaves profile picture). The story was called "A killers dream" and it's pretty cringy... I've rewrote it six times on many different platforms since 2015 and it never got reads. My point is that we all have to start somewhere and you'll only go up from that point. Just have fun with it!