
@bex_the_box. Hey have you read my stories? Well if you haven't the names of them are: All about the girl who loves Zayn Malik and All about the girl who loves Zayn Malik part 2. After you read them can you give me somfeed back luv ya .


Me:  Hi! *waves* Thanks for 
          Louis: being fabuLOUIS and fanning.
          Harry: Boobear, it's extraordinHARRY!
          Liam: No it's BrilLIAM
          Niall: NO it's PhenomiNIALL
          Zayn: Lads, we all noe it's AmaZAYN!
          Me: Anyways, feel free to pm or chat to me
          Louis: Or me
          Liam: or me
          Zayn: or me
          Niall: or me
          Harry: or me!
          Me: Whenever! Guys seriously cut it out!! Anyways, thanks for fanning :D x