
hi i haven't been on in a while r/whoops -Kelly


omg i had a dream that i went to see bmc on a school trip, in a library?? and then stagedoor was on a p l a n e, and will roland signded a shirt i had from the third grade?? i'm honsetly very concerned for myself rn


and wattpad just gave me a be more chill ad they know me so well


Guys, I'm not going to be active for a vveerryy long time. I'm so sorry! I might be on occasionally over the summer, but not very much. I'll try to get on as often as I can! Again, I'm really sorry. While I'm gone don't forget to recruit new members and post announcements! I don't want to come back and nothing happen. Bye!!! ~The only active member of the account, and the Ultimate George Salazar Fangirl, APPLE!


For members of the fanclub, and people who wish to join but are too shy, and literally everyone else:
          I'm going to sent a letter to the Lyceum Theater for George Salazar. I'm putting some stuff I want to put on there, and I'm going to mention this account. If anyone wants me to tell George anything, PM @theappledipper so I can add it. I'll put your account name on the letter too, so he'll know who it's from. I don't want the letter to be  short, so I highly encourage you to give me things you want on the letter. However, I don't want it to be very long either. I'll only be taking a few, depending on how long the entries are. Thanks! ~Apple


Happy Pride Month!! I'd just like to tell you all that I get off school next week, and I won't be on for the entire summer. The reason I'm telling you this is because I've created a holiday with a really creative name... George Day. It falls on the 30th of June, and make sure to celebrate! Uhh... I don't know what else to say and class is over. Bye!!