Hey! I thought it would be easier to post here rather than in a limited status! Now it seems like I'm always aployagising for late updates, no inspiration, being too busy or being ill! And I'm sorry for that! A little bit ironic I know, but still! This time it's been a big mixture of everything keeping me from updating. Since its the holidays rather laze around the whole time, my mum has me and my sister doing a lot at the moment, which I wouldn't mind if I wasn't ill as well. So I've been really busy and it's been keeping me from writing. Secondly as I just said I'm ill. Now I'm normally ill a lot with little things: coughs, colds, cramps and stomach bugs etc. this time I seem to have everything. I have a fluey cough and cold, such a sore throat I can barely speak and suspected anaemia which is making me weaker than I usually am(trust me, I'm very weak.). So that has made me just want to sleep all day, but with my mum trying to keep me busy, it's made me feel worse and I just can't really write at the moment. Thirdly, when I do get a chance to write I have no inspiration. I know I left it on a cliff hanger last time, so surely I should know what to write. Yeah, I know what to write, just not how to write it. So that has stopped me again!
So yeah, that's my life at the moment! Now I'm really sorry for all that and I feel like I can never aployagise enough, but like I said I seem to always be aployagising! Now hopefully (I really, really hope) the next chapter should be up by Monday, but I can't really make any promises. I might see you guys tomorrow, I might not! Either way, see you then and I hope you understand now why I haven't been updating. :)