Hey guys! I think I might possibly be finally back, again, don't hold me to it though! And yet again I have so many new updates to read so this should be a fun de ja vu thing. By around Christmas time I promise I will try and update some of my books like The Darkness Within, Colourless and you can expect many more rants as well. I'd like to thank my faithful followers for staying followed to me even though I've been really annoying with not updating or reading on wattpad for a WHILE! Let's just say year 10 is hard! Anyway, I also wanted to ask something based on your opinions:
1) Please still keep making those book covers and if you send them to me before the end of the Christmas holidays and I will pick my favourite
2) I don't think I really like Dear Diary, I'm not sure whether I should start again or just scrap it completely, I think it's just as important a decision to you guys as it is to me, so I'd like you to help me decide.
Please do leave comments etc.
Thank you! x