
Hi everyone, i am so sorry for not updating in ages!!! I had a bit of writers block and didnt want to rush and write you a bad quality chapter. I will not be updating till next week now because I havn't got round to writing it yet. Please don't give up on me. Love u all xxx


Hi everyone, i am so sorry for not updating in ages!!! I had a bit of writers block and didnt want to rush and write you a bad quality chapter. I will not be updating till next week now because I havn't got round to writing it yet. Please don't give up on me. Love u all xxx


hi, sorry everyone for not updating this week. I have been quite busy and some of you may know I've been auditioning for our school talent comp and I've made it to the final, so been practising loads!!! 
          I am going to see concept on Sunday and I think that will help me right the next chapter. I will update next week by next Thursday. :D hope everyone is well 