1 year ago today I finally broke up with my very abusive ex boyfriend that I had spent nearly a year and a half with and had fully convinced myself I was gonna marry and it was by far the hardest thing I had ever done. Every goal I had had revolved around him, so I was left alone with no dreams or direction I'm not telling you this to brag or harbor sympathy though. I'm telling you this because I want you know it gets so much better. Despite it being the hardest thing I've ever done, I've never regretted it and this has been a year of healing and learning to love myself and finally getting to realize MY dreams, not what he wanted me to be. If you're looking for a sign to break up with your abuser, this is it. I promise you that it gets better. I'm happier than I've ever been and I know myself better than ever, and it's all because I made that hard choice. Put yourself first. They're not as important as you think they are I love you <3
Good for you that’s a hard thing to do. I have a similar situation except I can’t help or break up With this person their family so there’s that
If you think you can't make it without them, you're not giving yourself enough credit babe. You'll make it and you'll thrive because you're strong and beautiful and they treat you poorly because they're afraid of your light. Don't dim it to stay with them