
Boom boom pow! Ugh


It's here it's there
          Episode 6 is now out and sorry for the typo. 
          I don't even if anyone is reading this but yeah here it is another episode of STVOM 
          Every star trek fan fiction you'll see here in watt pad is about romantic interactions with the main cast of the franchise but it is yet still far for my series to reach that spot since I have to give my characters some more development. As you have notice that episode 1&2 has been deleted. I want to change those episodes because they are so out of bound to me.  That's all for it and I hope you'll like the simplicity of the new Episode


To those who are reading my works . . . I am planning to add some romance to the Series (especially Star Trek) to add some "excitement" to the girl readers . . . Well, it's kinda awkward for me to do it but I have done that before in Unknown Creature (when it was a comic that I drew) so maybe I am also bringing some of it on the UC. I am currently working at the STVOM Episode 6 which will dubbed as Winter Forever which will be in Zarva's Point of View so some things would change i guess


Star Trek Voyage of Minerva Update
          Episode 4 is now out and entitled -Empress Sela- 
          Also, I have been thinking of sending some dl links to future wallpapers used to create my bookcovers . . . maybe after Episode 5 i would release it's wallpaper
          BTW some guys/gals may have noticed . . . my book covers are STO (Star Trek Online) screenshots of my gameplay . . . if anyone happens to play the game you can find me in the Tribble server or in the Holodeck Server with a handle @captain7up