
Do you all want me to continue writing My Life Couldn't Possibly Get Any Worse... I Stand Corrected! or are you fine with me starting a new, more original story and seeing where it takes me? I just feel like I'll be able to update more if I work with a fresh plot line rather than trying to continue something that I started when I was 11 or 12.


Do you all want me to continue writing My Life Couldn't Possibly Get Any Worse... I Stand Corrected! or are you fine with me starting a new, more original story and seeing where it takes me? I just feel like I'll be able to update more if I work with a fresh plot line rather than trying to continue something that I started when I was 11 or 12.


I'm starting my interviews back up. If you have a request for an interview, notify me and I will try my best!


@Germie it's definitely okay! And yes I am still interested to have an interview :D


@1Dhnlzl23 Hey! I'm so sorry that I didn't reply sooner. I was working a lot this summer. If you still want an interview, I would be glad to give you one! Let me know :)


Could I possibly have an interview?


I know I promised to post a new chapter to My Life Couldn't Possible Get Any Worse... I Stand Corrected! a while ago. I'm sorry. I've had a lot on my plate with school and everything, but I wrote a personal narrative for ELA, so I'm going to put that up today and I'll work on the next chapter for MLCPGAW...ISC! after my homework. Love you!