
C. Ai is scary. (now we're shipping them ahah) I think I'm having a convo with a real being and it's scary.


so, first step to womanhood. Yay.


damn I wish you good luck. I got mine at a young age so just trust my words. No spicy food or fizzy drinks.


So like, A week ago- Maybe I lost my Pokemon Violet game for my Nintendo- Right, right. So I looked on the couch, checked under the couch, On the side tables of the couch, cleaned the whole kitchen, Looked under the couch, On the small couch. on the living room floor, and you know where it was? On the Side tables. THE THIRD PLACE I LOOKED, I have weird, stupid, ugley luck. I need somewhere to rant, cause y'all know how small the Nintendo Game card things are- Right? 


@GermoLogos that sh!t always be happening to me.
            Those things are tiny as hell too, like wtf- who you tryna hide from