Olá, Gerrygirlslf! Estou aqui para lhe convidar a ler "Blind Love's Shadows-SUPERNATURAL". Dá uma passadinha lá depois, e se gostar comente e favorite. Você poderá estar nas dedicatórias dos próximos capítulos!
Hola ♡. Perdona el spam, puedes borrarlo si te molesta, pero te agradecería que te pasaras por la historia de mi hermana (Atracción Destructiva - DeniseAyleen). Si te gusta puedes votar, comentar y seguir su perfil de wattpad. Por favor, ¿le darías una oportunidad? Le ayudarás mucho a crecer. Gracias ❤.
I posted a Lestat story the chosen one and will be updating everyday. Also I post to my Caius story chances are frequently. Two updated coming up today for you guys.
hey! just wanted to thank you for following me! i would love it if you could check out my book, maybe read a couple chapters, and maybe give it constructive criticism if it needs any? you; of course, don't have to do this, its totally optional. if you hate it that's okay! i won't be offended. this is just an idea, but hopefully you check it out! thanks! - emma <3