I’m not sure if your device works the same way as mine, but assuming it is:
-go on website
-search what you are reading/want to read/liked reading
-there should be a tags section almost directly visible the moment you get on the specific page for the searches book
-there you can click on anyone of the tags or genres to look up stories with the same tag/genre
-to get their details just click into them
-if not looking for an overall tag or genre to read, there is a recommendations area as you continue to scroll downwards. Where it lists 1-6 similarly enjoyed works.
- to read specific chapters, stay on the story’s page, and just below the recommendations would be the chapters.
- click on the chapter number on the right and not the translator name/organization on the left.
I hope this helps, if you need some clarification or further details I haven’t touched on or any questions, don’t hesitate to ask