
not me coming back to watt just to see they removed the dm feature. lol.
          	honestly, i feel like deleting my account. but i probably won't. i just don't see myself being as passionate anymore (for anything, matter of fact) or having any time or motivation to write again.
          	i'm such a failure, i know.
          	i'm so sorry, monie.
          	i still love and appreciate you all, thank you so much. <3


@prettypetalkookoo you're such a sweet soul. i hope the best to you. thank you for your kind words. love you too !! <3


@GgukieBottoms youre not a failure :( 
          	  life has its ups and downs  these downs are just temporary 
          	  youve to just know how to deal it/beat it / face it 
          	  pick a hobby  force yourself to like it 
          	  hangout with friends/family a lot , dont overthink about this tho and if you want anyone to talk to  im here 
          	  dont worry everything will be fine 
          	  hope you feel better 
          	  get back yourself together 
          	  and liivee  the best lifeeee( bitta corny but yeah ) 
          	  love you !!!


Hayirrr yazmayi bırakmış olmana dayanamam lütfen GERİ DÖN 


@GgukieBottoms ben beklerimmm❤️❤️❤️ 


@taekooksitive Yazmaya geri dönmeyi düşünüyorum. Ancak, bunun yakın zamanda olacağına dair bir söz veremem (Çeviri kullandım. Anlam ifade etmiyorsa özür dilerim).


          BEN ao3te painter of the night taekook versiyonu okudum ve çok beğendim ancak devamı gelmemiş lütfen devamını yükleee çok güzel yazıyorsun heyecanla bekliyorum 


@GgukieBottoms  Aman tanrım bunu duyduğuma çok sevindimm lütfen kendine dikkat ett seni seviyorum ve heyecanla bekliyorum yeni güncellemeleri ❤️❤️ çeviri kullanman çok tatlıı<333


@taekooksitive Merhaba! Yokluğum için içtenlikle özür dilerim. Son birkaç yıldır mental sağlığım ve diğer kişisel sorunlarla uğraşıyordum. Ancak, motivasyonumu yeniden kazandığımda mevcut ve umarım gelecekteki kitaplarıma dair güncellemeler paylaşmaya devam etmeye çalışacağım. Verdiğim rahatsızlık için özür dilerim. Desteğiniz için teşekkür ederim! (Çeviri kullandım. Anlam ifade etmiyorsa özür dilerim)


Hello dear,
          Sorry for dropping at random. If you find it intrusive feel free to delete the comment. I  wanted to tell that I have started a new book on similar genre to eyes never lie. 
          A top tae murder mystery thriller. it would mean a lot if you could check it out.... though no pressure. Have a great day army ^^ ^^ 


not me coming back to watt just to see they removed the dm feature. lol.
          honestly, i feel like deleting my account. but i probably won't. i just don't see myself being as passionate anymore (for anything, matter of fact) or having any time or motivation to write again.
          i'm such a failure, i know.
          i'm so sorry, monie.
          i still love and appreciate you all, thank you so much. <3


@prettypetalkookoo you're such a sweet soul. i hope the best to you. thank you for your kind words. love you too !! <3


@GgukieBottoms youre not a failure :( 
            life has its ups and downs  these downs are just temporary 
            youve to just know how to deal it/beat it / face it 
            pick a hobby  force yourself to like it 
            hangout with friends/family a lot , dont overthink about this tho and if you want anyone to talk to  im here 
            dont worry everything will be fine 
            hope you feel better 
            get back yourself together 
            and liivee  the best lifeeee( bitta corny but yeah ) 
            love you !!!


hey, monie. 
          it's been forever since i took a look at watt . . . i really miss it all.
          honestly, i'm unsure if i'll ever be able to give my books the love they deserve. i know i've disappointed many with my absence and empty promises. despite everything going on in my life, i feel as though i've slowly outgrown real-people fanfics (i'm not entirely sure on that yet). i haven't had time to read or write anything, but even so, i still somewhat yearn for it. though, i'm never satisfied with my work.
          regarding the last post i made back in may 2023, i was genuinely thrilled to write again. i couldn't wait to let you all read something of mine after so long. but in the end, i failed you all, including myself. and yet again i was struggling with my real-world issues and mental/physical health.
          i'm surprised i'm still alive today.
          i miss the old wattpad days. and all the friends i made along my journey. i promise nothing; i don't know if i'll return to write something new or continue an old ongoing book any time soon. but if i do, i'll be sure to inform you.
          how have you all been, monie? i truly love all of you with both my heart and my soul. thank you to those who stuck by me till now, and for those who came along and left, too. you are amazing. 
          till next time. . . <3


@koos_legacy i'm grateful for your message. you're most welcome. maybe i haven't necessarily outgrown it, as i still indulge in such content, though not via reading fanfic. so maybe there's a chance that when i have things sorted out, i can return to writing bttmkook for you all. stay safe!


@autumnbea thank you so much for your message. i don't attend school anymore, but i am starting a job soon. it's difficult to balance hobbies and responsibilities, well on top of mental health. i'm glad that you understand. <3


@GgukieBottoms we are happy u made it, and seriously alot happy for u returning back it's ur choice if you'd like to continue writting 
            though a 'Thank you for all the  bttmkook fics u had written and yes we love u so take care and stay healthy.


Hiii incase no one told you that,  Im so glad to see you are still here. Its really sad to see all writers leave the app and familiar accs desserted. \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥


@erosvkooo i wouldn't say that i'm fully here, but i did try. i would like to try again. i agree that it is indeed sad, but i do understand how life can get in the way or simply outgrowing something. i wish you and all other authors well. <3