this message may be offensive
Who the fucking fuck messed with Ao3 All my fave fics are on there I loved this site once but their aren’t any stories that really interest me on here anymore, none really that good (save for a few rare gems) I can’t come back to this site yall I literally just found some really good fucking fics too :( I hope everything gets fixed soon Sorry to rant here And insult the site if some of y’all (my followers) even still use it But yk I consider this an empty but not place to toss things No one’s ever really actually responded to any of my posts on here Which is yk fine lol Idc I just find it amusing Earlier today I had a chat with some friends about how I wasn’t sure if I had really grown in the past few years but…I have. A lot actually. And I’m proud of that and the person I’ve become Anyway yeah So uh have fun with this if anyone sees it lmao