
Hello again
          	I kinda vanished off the face of the earth for a while haha
          	So while I've been gone I've broken my phone, had to set up a new one and remember all of my passwords including the email I use for this account. As a result of this I've lost all my notes I used for requests, books and such so for now I'm going to write oneshots and requests will temporarily be closed 
          	I apologize to everyone who has been waiting for me and I hope you'll continue to support my writing ^^


@Gh0st_trxsh always will support you 


Hello again
          I kinda vanished off the face of the earth for a while haha
          So while I've been gone I've broken my phone, had to set up a new one and remember all of my passwords including the email I use for this account. As a result of this I've lost all my notes I used for requests, books and such so for now I'm going to write oneshots and requests will temporarily be closed 
          I apologize to everyone who has been waiting for me and I hope you'll continue to support my writing ^^


@Gh0st_trxsh always will support you 


Merry Christmas everyone!
          I hope everyone has a great time and enjoys their day
          A quick announcement while I'm here, I have about 3 chapters that are under editing that will be released sometime after boxing day depending on my state, if I'm hungover maybe not
          I hope you all get what you wished for, for Christmas and have a lovely time ^^


Ok so glitch has been fixed and I can now roll out chapters. If anyone else is struggling it's just due to the update, you gonna have to update the app so the glitch fixes itself. Pretty dumb ik hahaha 




@Gh0st_trxsh it's not dumb, it's irritated 


I'm currently facing technical issues publishing the other chapters of my new book, while the book itself is published I'm struggling to publish the chapters I've written so far. Please bear with me while I sort it out 


@Gh0st_trxsh I didn't have that problem when posting some of my chapters, maybe it was a bit of a system overload. 


@FernTheHero I'm so glad I'm not the only one  it says there's some kinda glitch on the server whenever I try upload. Maybe it needs updating idk man hahaha


Guys I have bad news, so I checked wattpad this morning and my book has been removed....
          I received no warnings it just vanished, I'm so sorry to my readers. Unfortunately it seems like there's nothing I can do, this has happened to many authors lately and idk why
          It just vanished from my feed and I tried clicking on it it said it disappeared and all my notifications are gone so it's official.....
          I put so much work into that book, it was my baby and I can't believe that I put in all that effort just for it to be deleted. Idk if I'm gonna make a new book but I'll have a think 


@ayeeeitsrinnn thank you sm! I'm planning to make a new one soon, probably at the weekend 


@Gh0st_trxsh please make a new book, I don't wanna rush or anything though. I really like the books you write!!!


Hey guys, quick update.
          So I am still in the process of writing requests and I'm mostly saying this because I didn't get as many chapters published as I would have liked so I am genuinely sorry to everyone who requested but I hit writers block a little while ago so I'm just trying to picture scenarios to write atm with the rest
          I'll hopefully get a chapter or two published sometime today but I am hopefully getting my septum pierced today so I can't guarantee that I will get them out after I get that done as I get really bad nausea afterwards. But I'd also just like to once again say sorry for the delay and a huge thank you for all the support y'all have given me with my book