
Woahhh, it's been three years since I've been on here... is anyone still alive? Also happy belated 2020 to anyone still active! :)


Lol SAME bruh


Hey Ghalexy,
          I am a follower of @StoriesOfTheBold and If you happen to see this I would like to know of you could tell him to log on to his account and check his messages! I (with a few others) would like to hear from him, an update or something. He is a really good story teller.  
          P.S. I will personally send secret services after you both, so if you see this, pleaseee tell him!! 
          (Just kidding )


Long time no chat, sorry for being so inactive here lately. I have had a ton of stuff keeping me too busy to read or write, but that is "mostly" out of the way and I should have time to write again. 
          I plan on rewriting "Sparks", under a new title, "The Sentinels"! It should be out this Friday!


Chapter two: Road Trip, is officially complete, this one took me a little longer to write since it was almost five hundred more words, hope y'all enjoy it. more coming today or tomorrow, depends if I write tonight.