
Here comes my second monthly report. I bring great news about the first episode of Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn. New Blood is halfway finished in writing, I'm hoping for a release during the March break. 
          	Of course, I said before that New Blood follows a female Eodromaeus, but it also follows a couple of other creatures. Of course, there's the male Saurosuchus who functions as a major antagonist in the story. There's also a mated pair of Herrerasaurus and a male Pelorocephalus. The episode follows how they're all getting on in the dry season.
          	After that, I'll be working on the next episode. It's not gonna be Time of the Titans like the original show, nor is it gonna be A Titan's Beginnings like my first take. The episode will be called Monarch of Dragons and it primarily follows an experienced male Dracovenator who has ruled his territory for years. Eventually an outsider arrives to challenge his mantle. The big question is if he's met his match or if his experience and age can get the better of this fresh opponent.
          	This is the refresher of what's to come in this year, hopefully. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
          	Lost Tapes Revealed: Season 1
          	The Tarbo King
          	Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn
          	Walking With Beasts Reborn


@DinoDaniel2019 I'm glad you're looking forward to it. I hope you'll enjoy it when it's released.


@GhidorahRaptor2000 looks awesome. I can’t wait to read them


Here comes my second monthly report. I bring great news about the first episode of Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn. New Blood is halfway finished in writing, I'm hoping for a release during the March break. 
          Of course, I said before that New Blood follows a female Eodromaeus, but it also follows a couple of other creatures. Of course, there's the male Saurosuchus who functions as a major antagonist in the story. There's also a mated pair of Herrerasaurus and a male Pelorocephalus. The episode follows how they're all getting on in the dry season.
          After that, I'll be working on the next episode. It's not gonna be Time of the Titans like the original show, nor is it gonna be A Titan's Beginnings like my first take. The episode will be called Monarch of Dragons and it primarily follows an experienced male Dracovenator who has ruled his territory for years. Eventually an outsider arrives to challenge his mantle. The big question is if he's met his match or if his experience and age can get the better of this fresh opponent.
          This is the refresher of what's to come in this year, hopefully. Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
          Lost Tapes Revealed: Season 1
          The Tarbo King
          Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn
          Walking With Beasts Reborn


@DinoDaniel2019 I'm glad you're looking forward to it. I hope you'll enjoy it when it's released.


@GhidorahRaptor2000 looks awesome. I can’t wait to read them


This is something new that I will be trying. At the end of every month, I'm gonna announce what's to come. For me, this a good opportunity to show off upcoming projects.
          Currently I've been at work on Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn New Blood. As I discussed before, New Blood will be taking place in Argentina, instead of Arizona like the original. This means that the main dinosaur is an Eodromaeus rather than a Coelophysis. Placerias and Postosuchus have also been replaced, by Ischigualastia and Saurosuchus respectively.
          For now, work on The Tarbo King has been put on hold. Just until I can get Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn's first part out. I would love to get it released before Walking With Dinosaurs 2 is unleashed, which probably won't be long now. 
          I'm also gonna be removing Monarch Files from my 2025 to do list for now. I'd like to get my different takes on the MonsterVerse films and graphic novels out first before doing Monarch Files. I don't know what will take its place yet, but I'll inform you all in due time.
          Walking With Monsters Reborn will also be getting delayed for now. I've already got Walking With Dinosaurs and Beasts Reborn figured out, but Walking With Monsters Reborn has proven to be a toughie for me. I really want to do it in the style of the first two shows. That means fleshing out the environments more than what was shown in the original series. It's possible that my rewrites of Chased By Dinosaurs and Sea Monsters Reborn will probably come out before it.
          That is all for now and I appreciate that you are all following this account despite my inactivity regarding stories. Be sure to check out my upcoming projects soon. now here's a refresher of what's to come.
          Lost Tapes Revealed: Season 1
          The Seven Titan Slayers (Fairy Tail X Godzilla crossover story)
          The Tarbo King
          Walking With Beasts Reborn
          Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn
          Walking With Monsters Reborn


I wanted to ask if we can visit all prehistoric seas from the cambrian to the most recent? in your rewrite of Sea Monsters and if you could do a special episode for your walking with Walking with Beasts something like a condenced version of Walking with Cavemen.


@Rayquaza2004 I'm not gonna give an exact time yet.


@GhidorahRaptor2000 But when do you plan on starting to write again in general?
            Spring, Summer, Fall or Winter 2025?.


@Rayquaza2004 I won't say anything yet about Prehistoric Park Reborn when I get to rewriting it. I'm not doing Quetzalcoatlus, because it's already in Death of a Dynasty.


Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it.


Species for my version of Jurassic World: Dominion (also no Camp Cretaceous and Chaos Theory and Nasutoceratops is now Pachyrhinosaurus)
          1. Giganotosaurus (more realistic and less Acrocanthosaurus like).
          2. Microceratus (more realistic design but same colors).
          3. Pyroraptor.
          4. Quetzalcoatlus (more realistic size).
          5. Therizinosaurus
          1. Atrociraptor - Replaced with JP OG Trilogy Velociraptors, with a 1993 one named Blaze, a 1997 male named Blaze, a 2001 male named Stryker, and a 2001 female named Razor, though a red and black striped one, Alpha, is added.
          2. Dreadnoughtus - replaced with Alamosaurus.
          3. Iguanodon - replaced by Edmontosaurus.
          4. Locusts - replaced by Meganeura.
          5. Lystrosaurus - replaced by Scutosaurus.
          6. Moros - replaced by both Avisaurus and Pectinodon.
          7. Oviraptor - replaced by Anzu.
          1. Kentrosaurus - Seen running alongside Corythosaurus (an added OG species), Gallimimus, and Stygimoloch, and a juvenile is being given a prosthetic side spike.
          2. Metriacanthosaurus - Seen in the news segment and seen in Biosyn Valley drinking water before attempting to hunt a Stygimoloch before the Meganeuras cause the forest fire.
          3. Nothosaurus - Added into the Dimetrodon scene with four Nothosaurus and three Dimetrodon.


@GhidorahRaptor2000 Yeah, on one hand Saurophaganax will be reference for how ironic there was a debate about the animal being though to be a species of Allosaurus until of recently and the sad fate of Big Al


@Jonathan575812 Yeah. I'd say Big Al will be referenced for sure


@GhidorahRaptor2000 They could be planning on it. Also, since Saurophaganax is a dubious genus, of sorts, we might get a reference to it with Allosaurus Anax when Nigel takes about the animal


With 2025 on the way, it's high time that I got some plans out of the way. This is a list of stuff to expect for the year 2025. This is in no specific order, it all depends on which one that I decide to work on first.
          Lost Tapes Revealed: Season 1
          Monarch Files (Part of my upcoming MonsterVerse series)
          The Seven Titan Slayers (Fairy Tail X Godzilla crossover story)
          The Tarbo King
          Walking With Beasts Reborn
          Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn
          Walking With Monsters Reborn


@GhidorahRaptor2000 Yes. For the most part, anyway.


@GhidorahRaptor2000 ok and it be show the full body of the cryptids rather than show a glimpse of them?


@spencerble Yeah, I've seen all of the episodes of the show. Of course, it's the found footage show with cryptids. I'll discuss the episode list for Season 1 later.


New project announcement. I've been working on a retelling of The Lion King, but having it take place during the Cretaceous about 70 million years ago in the Nemegt Formation. It's gonna be called The Tarbo King. Now, maybe that name isn't the best, but if you have another good name, by all means, tell me. You'll probably be seeing the prologue pretty soon. 
          I might even do other story retellings, too, like Bambi, The Lion King II, The Jungle Book, Brother Bear, and a few others with prehistoric creatures. As for Walking With Dinosaurs Reborn, I'll probably get on that either during or after The Tarbo King. I would like to at least get episode 1 out before the new show comes out.


@spencerble Actually, Alioramus does.


@GhidorahRaptor2000 and the Adasaurus represent the Hyenas?


Giant of the Skies is going through a name change. The reason being that Zhejiangopterus isn't exactly a big pterosaur. Got any name suggestions?


Assuming it’s still set in China maybe “Of the Eastern Winds?”