@GhostAuthor967 - Hi! I was checking out your book and as I was looking at the cover of it, I’ve realized it’s an AI generated photo. I have been working with an AI generator doing work for an author so I know some of the quirks of it.
Take a good look at where his hand is on his arm XD I don’t know why the AI generator can’t get Hans correct! Mine always comes up with 6+ fingers! LMAO! I double anyone has even noticed, I just happen to but it’s probably because I work with one. I can’t even begin to tell you how many weird things have come up with me generating photos and I’ve probably generated somewhere around 10K AI photos and have so many more to do too for her and her character!
Anyway, I wanted to let you know about the conjoined arm with the fingers sticking out of it XD Can’t help but laugh at it! ✨✨