
Guess who's back from his summer job and back at his office? That's right, friends! "Chapter 18: The Traitor and the Professor" is available to read: RIGHT NOW! Thank you for your love!


Been awhile, huh? Hey guys, I hope all of your lives have been well since my last message. Before I give a "life update" I will say that rest assured SFTT will be finished as soon as this 4 month writers block clears away.  As mentioned in my last post about "planning the story in a more cohesive way", which I can proudly say, I have! 
          First things first: I AM NO LONGER IN BETWEEN JOBS! I've had the fortune to work at a job I love and most importantly, gives me stability in my life. For those who don't know, my dream career is to become a teacher/educator. During my most active time, I was jobless transitioning into my time as a substitute teacher which made my life spontaneous as I'd go a couple of months with no class. Now, I have a set schedule, an office to myself, and most importantly: control. I guess all this is to say that, I'm back, and I'm happy. Updates may be a bit spastic or scarce, but I want and am going to see this project through! I missed you guys, and I missed SFTT. I'll see you guys soon!


@GhostBabel That's great! , it seems to me cool, cool for your job and stability, and about all because now you are happy, just very cool.


Hey hey! I know it's been awhile since I posted, and I apologize. As of right now I'm in between jobs and have been focusing on getting one that is steady so I can have a set schedule for when I can write SFTT. Don't fret, I haven't abandoned the story! In fact, this free time that I've been given has allowed me to plan out the rest of the story in a more concise way! Thank you to all my readers for your continued support and viewership, it really means a lot guys! If you have any questions or just wanna tell me how you've been please leave a comment below! I'll be seeing you guys soon!


Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Rest assured I'm hard at work creating the next chapters in my story! To be quite honest, we're nearing the end of Stories From Tokyo-To! Thank you all for reading so far and I hope that this story has made you share the vision I had while reading. Jet Set Radio is a series that is dear to my heart and I love that others share that with me!
          Now, I'm curious... was there a point in the story where you thought something else would happen? Maybe you would write it differently? Have a theory on whats going to happen? I'd love to hear it! It makes me really happy reading your comments and how you react to the story as it goes on!
          I can't wait to hear what you guys write!


@GhostBabel that’s cool! Looking forward to your future projects 


@HavikMania In that case, YOU'RE WELCOME! I know the story is a bit of a tonal shift from the "in your face" style and humor of the source material, but I hope my sprinkles of humor and details make Tokyo-To feel alive. 
            I'm really eager to finish the novel so I can move onto the audio book! If you didn't know, this project used to be a visual novel, now a novel, and will finally be a audio book posted on YouTube in the future! I'm really excited to work on that as well!


@GhostBabel no thank YOU for making this ^^ I love JSR but it always pained me that we never really got to see these characters actually be… characters aside from some Minuscule dialogue in Future so it’s always nice to see some great fan fiction to pull up the slack