
Hey guys artworkfanboi here and I'm just announcing about my stories, one of them will be on hold for right now because of this I've may have been losing my quote on quote "juice" and it's kinda hard to Wright right now, but the oneshots are still a thing going on I just need some time to come up with some stories and pretty soon the short stories are coming afterwards when the oneshots are done.
          	About the short stories; they will contain a lot of weird  crossovers, I just don't see a lot of them on here so I'm just gunna make my own and hope for the best. What will be nice tho if you guys can try to give some of my stories some votes so this book can live and help me be motivated more for Wrighting in the future it's just that simple I ask nothing more; but anyway that's all I have to say and if I got some ideas brewing in my brain then I would Wright them down in my note book and then interview it for typing on here, I think it's easier for me. So anyway have a good day/night -ruby


Hey guys artworkfanboi here and I'm just announcing about my stories, one of them will be on hold for right now because of this I've may have been losing my quote on quote "juice" and it's kinda hard to Wright right now, but the oneshots are still a thing going on I just need some time to come up with some stories and pretty soon the short stories are coming afterwards when the oneshots are done.
          About the short stories; they will contain a lot of weird  crossovers, I just don't see a lot of them on here so I'm just gunna make my own and hope for the best. What will be nice tho if you guys can try to give some of my stories some votes so this book can live and help me be motivated more for Wrighting in the future it's just that simple I ask nothing more; but anyway that's all I have to say and if I got some ideas brewing in my brain then I would Wright them down in my note book and then interview it for typing on here, I think it's easier for me. So anyway have a good day/night -ruby


To my followers! hey artworkfanboi here I'm just letting you guys know I will be updating my TMNT one-shots so here the question for the day/night or in other words REQUESTS! that right it's request time so tell me who you want to be with as a reader
          Leo? Donnie? Raph? Mikey? Or other? Let me know below. I'll also be making TMNT short stories too just to let you guys know in the future. Before I go here are some rules I'll be doing in my Wrighting abilities just to make this FAIR.
          WHAT ILL DO.
          • tmnt,ect.x reader.
          • crossover shorts like Video game characters and cartoon characters (I'll do the ones I know from childhood or recently).
          • LGBT+ stories.
          • creative shorts stories.
          (ex. The Turtles facing some DEMONS or meeting an adult/cartoon character like HELLUVABOSS, 'that YouTube series is good I really recommend it' or listening some type of music genre like 'lofi hip hop').
          WHAT I'LL WON'T DO.
          •tmnt,ect.x oc.(because of this it is too hard to get a good description of your character so I wont be able to do those, sorry for people who want me to do that).
          • lemons/tcest 'yet'.(because one: it's hard/embarrassing, even I don't have the balls to do one yet. And two I know some people like tcest but I know some people DESPISE it and thinking it's wrong).
          • edgey stereotypes. like 'sad,depressed, abused,suicidal, and jealous readers.
          And last but not least.
          • things that make me uncomfortable. (if it's not something I want to do then please cease yourself from it or in other words I will reject the request thank you).
          Thank you everyone for reading this. If you have a request or a short story idea please comment/messaged down below and I'll see what I can do, 
          be creative with the stories! try something that any writer has never done yet and I'll put it on my stories for you guys to read and see what you think. This might take awhile! So anyway ENJOY and request on my fellow followers.
          RUBY OUT!


Can you please write more tmnt x reader oneshots please 


@TinaCruz6 I'm glad you understand


Okay no problem I can wait 


@TinaCruz6 I can try when I have time maybe after school