(This same announcement will be on my siblings account, as we share a tablet.) Hey everyone who'll bother reading this. I've had a real blast in this site. But, the tablet me (and my sibling) use for wattpad isn't charging. So, I'm probably gonna end up having to leave this site, as my parents refuse to let me get a new charger, and won't let me buy a new device. I just wanna say it's been one of the greatest times I've ever had in my life for awhile, and I'm thankful for everything all of you have done. But, I don't think I can continue on this site with these conditions. Thank you all for everything. I'm glad I got this chance. I may respond to some people, but I kinda doubt it. Either way, I gotta hand this over to my sibling to post their thing, so, once again, Thank you all for everything I've been able to do. Goodbye for now, and hopefully I can see you all again. -Sincerely, Me.

@GhostlyCubone110 i am so sorry to hear i wish i could help i hope all goes well stay safe and stay you 0w0

I've tried to fix it, but nothing works. I dunno how long it'll take, but I'll be back one day hopefully.