
Hi Everyone
          	I would just like to apologise to all the people l have offended by posting @fanficshiddles works, l know my words will mean nothings to some but thats okay and l know l cant ask for forgivness cause it has to be earned. I know l will get constant hate and thats fine it what l deserve for doing wrong by someone who is better at writing than myself. I would just like to ask if people are going to post a comment for my wrong doing please be mindful that l have feelings also and lm very sensitive at the moment due to a family death.
          	Again to @fanficshiddles l apologise again and that your stories and others have gotten me through times that werent the most pleasant. 
          	As you can see lm not very good at apologise but l am generally cery sorry for my wrong toward not just @fanficshiddles but to everyone.


Hi dear author! 
          You are doing amazing! I hope you keep going like this! I'm a new writer joined you guys trying to promote my story. It is about five friends having struggles on their career choosing. It is categorized as general fiction. I'm trying my best to fill it with comedy, romance, friendship, bond, passion, career choosing, struggles, pain of life, and also fun of life, etc. 
          So I hope you check my story out and leave some precious opinions of yours in the comment section. 
          Thank you!


Hi Everyone
          I would just like to apologise to all the people l have offended by posting @fanficshiddles works, l know my words will mean nothings to some but thats okay and l know l cant ask for forgivness cause it has to be earned. I know l will get constant hate and thats fine it what l deserve for doing wrong by someone who is better at writing than myself. I would just like to ask if people are going to post a comment for my wrong doing please be mindful that l have feelings also and lm very sensitive at the moment due to a family death.
          Again to @fanficshiddles l apologise again and that your stories and others have gotten me through times that werent the most pleasant. 
          As you can see lm not very good at apologise but l am generally cery sorry for my wrong toward not just @fanficshiddles but to everyone.


please delete the stories that aren’t yours. 


@stingraysandbananas  No l completely understand, l also deserve it for the grave mistake l have done but that how we humans evolve and learn from our mistakes to make ourselves better people.


it’s okay, I didn’t mean to be rude or anything, I’m sorry if I came off that way <33


@ghostryder04513 Sorry to read you had to delete the stories you shared! Thank you for enjoying my fanfics enough to want to share them! :) Take care!


Hi. Can you please take down a new start and instincts. I know you have gave credit, but you still didn’t ask to post my works here. I don’t want them on wattpad. 
          If you don’t remove them I will need to report. 


@fanficshiddles  Hi, l would just like to apologise for posting your work, lve just seen your post now and have deleted your works. I know my apology wont undo the wrong l have done nor make you hate me less. I know my words wont make a differene but l would just like to say that your do amazing work and it was just easier for me read on wattpad than tumbler but then l found your achieveyourown account. Again l would just like to apologise and l hope l can earn your forgivness.