hello, my beloved readers.
I started my fanfiction almost 4 years ago when I was a sophomore in high school. My writing wasn't the best back then and maybe it isn't so now but I do consider myself a writer. I wish to write an original novel one day but for now, this is my precious project. As a writer, I am always reading and improving my skills to provide the best reading experience. I have decided to update my whole book once more. I wanted to focus a lot more on Izuku Midroiya's life and journey from the beginning until the latest chapter. I am getting a new one ready but decided that to provide a good and solid book and ending, I need to better the past. So, please stay tuned for the future. Some of what I change may or may not be a big deal but I will let you guys know when it is ready. As always, thanks for reading, liking, and commenting on my chapters. I read every single one of them and laugh at most of them. It makes me happy that people are connecting to the character I created when I was a kid :)