
sorry for the late chapter update just one more week left for the next one!


  lmfao I sure know how to leave unfinished things 


Please check out my book Black Ghoul High


Here in the Carib we start school early at K2 just kindergarten and go all the way up to grade 6 for prep school, primary school, or basic school, really. In grade 4 we do a literacy test to see if we are capable of sitting the grade 6 achievement test two years later known as GSAT. In grade 6 the ministry education makes us choose five high schools you want to go to in order of importance and based on our grades from exam, we are placed in one of the high schools on that list.
          High school start from grade 7 and ends at grade 13 and each grade level is known as a form so grade 7 is first form or form one,grade 8 is second form or form two so on and that is known throughout the English-speaking Caribbean countries in high school.
          Finishing grade 9, we choose a variety of subjects that we want to do in the Caribbean secondary education certificate in the form for grade 11, known as CSEC. Which I'm going to be doing this year April until June. Sadly for me.