
>.> Guess who might make a return


Hello, Hello to all of my beautiful Owls
          I want to wish you a happy/merry <whatever you celebrate>
          I am working on a short story, and although most of you are stars wars fans, I hope you enjoy it
          I have a special treat, I'm going to create a book of short stories and poems, as such the short story I am creating will be in there.
          I'm sorry that I'm terrible at posting, I really don't have as much time as I want.  I am hoping to get a new chapter posted by the end of January.
          And to all of you who comment, It means a lot to me that you actually read my story and take time to comment. I am very surprised that I have 120 followers, I know that it may not seem like  a lot, but it really is.
          Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart. I love you all my beautiful owls.


Hello my dear owls. Yes, I'm calling u all owls now.
          I am currently writing Chapter 8 for the Jedi Twins. It should be up within the week, but school starts the 8th so don't expect too much. I now have a laptop so I can write more often.
          Till next time my owls. ^.^


Hey guys. I'm SO SORRY!!! It's been a while since I last posted, but I'm currently unable to be on the computer and I don't have my phone. I'm currently writing this from school. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I'm terribly sorry. I'll post when the school year ends. I promise. Just comment which story you want to be posted first, The Jedi Twins, or Dumbledore's Daughter.
          I love you guys and I want to thank everyone who has been voting and following and commenting. It's been great to look forward to.


Hey, GUESS WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!? Wattpad is finally BACK ON AMAZON!!! That's right, I can now type on my kindle and I can write and upload more often. I'm putting The Jedi Twins on hold cause I'm getting help on a new story, and I feel better about that story than I do with the Jedi Twins. 
          SO, anyways. I've been VERY VERY busy with school(which is more important) and life in general. So, yeah. It's great to be back guys. I love you all so much.