
Hello, my dear followers!
          	This message is in English because, for once, it's also directed at the English speaking people out there.
          	Do you know the App "Episode"? Yeah, that App for girls full with boring, cheesy and stupid interactive romance stories? Exactly, that one. Well, I didn't know it was for girls when I installed it, and when I saw it was full of romance stories, I wanted to delete it immediately. Until I found a few non-romance stories that were quite enjoyable. Also, I found out you can create your own stories there, and from then on, I couldn't help myself. I started writing a story. Yes, even though I haven't uploaded the next chapter yet. But hey, I can make Episode stories on the phone, so I can write a lot more there.
          	Well, if you enjoy my stories here on Wattpad, I'm sure you will enjoy this one. It has a little romance, but it's not the main focus, it's kept believably and it helps develop the main story.
          	This like only works on phones:
          	Have fun!


@ Holtzhouzen Let me know when you find something!


@Holtzhouzen Oh, you don't have one yet? xD


@Holtzhouzen Well... thing is, I don't have much time to read stuff right now, and have a looong list of books waiting for me, so I don't think I'll have the spare time to read outside my genres in a while...


Hello, my dear followers!
          This message is in English because, for once, it's also directed at the English speaking people out there.
          Do you know the App "Episode"? Yeah, that App for girls full with boring, cheesy and stupid interactive romance stories? Exactly, that one. Well, I didn't know it was for girls when I installed it, and when I saw it was full of romance stories, I wanted to delete it immediately. Until I found a few non-romance stories that were quite enjoyable. Also, I found out you can create your own stories there, and from then on, I couldn't help myself. I started writing a story. Yes, even though I haven't uploaded the next chapter yet. But hey, I can make Episode stories on the phone, so I can write a lot more there.
          Well, if you enjoy my stories here on Wattpad, I'm sure you will enjoy this one. It has a little romance, but it's not the main focus, it's kept believably and it helps develop the main story.
          This like only works on phones:
          Have fun!


@ Holtzhouzen Let me know when you find something!


@Holtzhouzen Oh, you don't have one yet? xD


@Holtzhouzen Well... thing is, I don't have much time to read stuff right now, and have a looong list of books waiting for me, so I don't think I'll have the spare time to read outside my genres in a while...


Ich freue mich so sehr drauf, das neueste Kapitel von ECEF zu posten! Dort habe ich endlich den Plot Twist niedergeschrieben, den ich schon sooo lange plane... allgemein ist das womöglich das beste Kapitel von ECEF bisher! Heute schreibe ich es wahrscheinlich fertig, freitags müsste ich schon so weit sein, es posten  zu können.


Thanks so much for adding Malfunction to your reading lists! I really hope you enjoy it. Be sure to let me know what you think.


Yes, self-publishing. I want to finish the whole trilogy first, but it's in the process of being revised and edited already. A lot of changes have been made, but all for the better. :) I'm starting work on book 3 in November (if I can get the prequel done this month)


@JillanePurrazzi Wow, you're publishing it?


@JillanePurrazzi no worries. God willing it will be out in print in July


Ich hab gerade im Kino "Warcraft: The Beginning" angeschaut.
          Die gute Nachricht? Jetzt bin ich total motiviert, Fantasy zu schreiben! Okay, davor muss ich erst ein Kapitel von ECEF fertig korrigieren und hochladen, dann mache ich weiter mit "Der magische Globus".
          Die schlechte Nachricht? Der Film war grottig. Okay, nicht unbedingt grottig, aber auch nicht gut.


Ich werde in nächster Zeit nicht viel uploaden, denn ich habe Praktikum, und obwohl ich in der Theorie Zeit hätte, wird meine ganze Kreativität beim Praktikum völlig ausgeschöpft. Jedenfalls war es heute der Fall, und ich habe keinen Grund, anzunehmen, dass es die restlichen zwei Wochen anders sein wird. Trotzdem ist das Praktikum einfach KLASSE!