"ghePX is ExpeCting THe UnExpecteD"..
--- If You can't AMAZE people With your INTELLIGENCE, CONFUSE them with your STUPIDITY---- =']
.. a GOD-FEARING human.. a PSYCHOPaTHIC CreaTuRe.. a SUPER LUNATIC Person.. a "NONSENSE" introvert earthling.. :) who Loves to shaRe her eVERY moment with that SOMEONE SPECIAL in her LiFe.. :) a CRAZY Little lass Who Loves to Play and sing with heR guitar.. a HILARIOUS being whO always puts a smile on her face.. an ENIGMATIC individual who loves to LAUGH. LAUGH... and LAUGH.. all the time.. :) a mortal with an INDESCRIBABLE emotion.. :)
..She's So iNLOVE with Music!!.. That's Her passioN.. :)
.. She LOve's to speNd her time.. Doodling in Her NotebOok.. Writing Rubbish.. xD *just kidding*.. Writing her very emotion..
.. LOvEs to ExploRE PlaCES.. :)
.. LOveS tO give ADvices.. :) LOVes to think.. LOves to spend her time in a QUITE and PEACEFUL place..
I may be STUBBORN and IMMATURE, SPOILED and INSENSITIVE.. but this is just me. :D I can also feel what others may feel towards something.. (i guess?)..
I am a girl whose In love with a MAN. ♥ A very independent person who knows almost EVERYTHING in life. :D i really admire him a LOT. He may not be PERFECT.. BUT he's the ONE who fits the puzzle in my HEART. He may be hating me at this very moment. I'm still praying that we'll be OK in the end.
He said:
- "I'm may not be sure if we're meant to be, but I'll do everything to be destined to you". --> isn't that sweet? :D
- "akon ka nlg" --> I can clearly remember this T__T
.. but where will everything go, if we will STOP everything. I may feel sad right now, and depressed.. but one thing will light up my thoughts.. "I TRUST GOD IN WHATEVER PLANS he has for me.." :) I have a STRONG faith .. in GOD ^^
I am a very confused person whose goals are highly impossible to reach. I'm looking forward for thousands of opportunity that I might encounter. ^^ and hoping to find the unanswered question in my undecided mind :DD by God's Grace. :))
- bacolod
- DołączyłFebruary 17, 2012
- facebook: Profil Facebook Gift
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Dzieło autorstwa Gift Delos Santos
- 1 Opublikowane Dzieło

It started like those in movies :">
When you least expected it, love comes rushing behind you and knocks you off your feet without your knowledge...