
From Attack_On_Animoo to _Seven_Deadly_Sins_ I goooooooo. I wanted to make the name the same as my iFunny account, so yeah. c:


One quick thing (I dunno why I didn't put it in the note I JUST did owo), I'm probably going to change my name again, if I do, I'm going to change it to Alicia Jones, becuz oc'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz v0v. Alright, now I'm done rambling. Byesh for real this time o-o. 


Holllyyyyyyy crap it's been so long since I've updated. Ok let's see here.... I've just been really busy with schoolwork recently, so sorry if you missed me, and if you didn't, chur su mean to meh ;^; Right now I'm hanging out with my awesome friend, she's asleep so I'm really freaking bored and have nothing to do o-o. How would you guys feel if I started a diary type thing– Lemme just tell you now all that "Dear Diary" crap isn't gonna happen, it's just mainly going to be what I think about. Oh, if you guys post on iFunny then tell me what your profile is and I'll check out your account— Op, shhhhh I hear my friend awake e-e. Well, this is getting kinda long so I'll end it here. Thanks for listening. Byesh. 


Ok, so I am still posting the character shiz, I have four more left, possibly five. I will probably be able to write another part of Different Demons, and possibly the prolog after school. Well, that's all I have to say for this morning. Time for hell. Sorry, I meant school, auto correct changed it. Peace ✌️