Hurry guys! Give zhe awesome Prussia more followers!! I want at least 1,000. I mean it's not zhat much. It's gonna be better than @Suzen4u and @_Germany_
Hurry guys! Give zhe awesome Prussia more followers!! I want at least 1,000. I mean it's not zhat much. It's gonna be better than @Suzen4u and @_Germany_
@Tomatos_Is_Awesome I heard of it..I think it's good but you should have seen @Suzen4u and her laptop...She's been watching Soul Eater Non Stop! When I tell her to eat dinner she gets all mad and tells me to bring the firkin food over here...So of course I did..But I swear when ever I try to talk to her she says she is busy...and Zhats why folks...She changed her background to anime..Regular anime..and she changed her name tag thingy....@Suzen4u Said that Death The Kid is her favorite character a lot and she thinks I'm not Symmetrical...She's been weird lately...So I'm just trying to save you...@Tomatos_Is_Awesome Don't watch it on less you wanna turn into an Soul Eater Freak and be stuck in a room for days