Hi! I was just wondering if you've considered finishing Crowned. It's fine if you're not but I'm just asking because it was really good

@leyani143 Here is the 5th book in the Remake series, Slipped: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IVTbnYJW11Ub0ZDaRQej61xE8x3GQcRXeQ3p69uQLKs/edit Then here is the (unedited) beginning of the 6th book, Crowned: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z62HdEs0wvIZ6aL8UfpvXrn4PZPSuZlc9cbKhQzJ9SA/edit And finally, here’s a document that holds all the plans and unfinished moments that I originally intended on writing about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GDRfOwVEZpMKrca3Vfv6UTPmvNxjYUFWmxR0Du26k28/edit