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hey hey guess who isn't actually heckin' dead and might actually start writing again :) woooo
hey hey guess who isn't actually heckin' dead and might actually start writing again :) woooo
wowie I've been gone an awful long time huh guys? ha ha haaaaakillmeeee :)))
Woooo been thinking about this for awhile but I'm thinking about changing all my stuff like rebranding or something (pretty sure that's what it's called idk I'm dumb) so instead of being 'Mama Raccoon' I'll just be 'Gin the Raccoon'. I feel like it'll be a little less awkward for some people when they try to address me and I end up just telling everyone to me Gin anyways.... sooo yeah.
ugh I don't know what to do anymore guys like my interests are changing faster than I'm able to keep up with and I want to possibly write for other things but I feel like this account is locked in with only BBS/MiniCat/WildLadd stuff and honestly I don't like that it feels that way I mean I always have my second account but like... I dunno :\ I think I might just take down some of the stuff that no one really seems to care for... which stories would you guys not mind getting taken down or be okay with not seeing anymore? would you guys like a little more variety with what I write on here?
@MamaRaccoon I agree with guiciimisfits on this one, and I know how it feels cuz my interests changed too, I went from BBS to Harry Potter. I don't think you should delete anything though, but you can do whatever you think best.
@MamaRaccoon I think that you should write whatever you want to write, it doesn't matter if it's not directly linked to what your account is based on :)
I feel like making my account Halloween themed... should I? I fucking love Halloween dude like no joke it's my favorite holiday in my favorite season
@MamaRaccoon YESSSSS! It is the month of spooky. Halloween is the heccin best!
yo, my chilens question 'cause I'm actually kinda curious. Do you guys write in a specific pov? Like one you choose more over others? Lately, I've been noticing that I'm a lot more confident and comfortable with my stuff when I write in third person and I've honestly been thinking about just making all my stuff third person from now on. Also since I'm not in the right frame of mind for a lot of my stories I'm just going to focus on ones that I can... well actually focus on lol catcha later nerd babies
I write in first and both third persons because they can be fun for certain stories. Like how Into The Forest features dumbass Craig and what he sees and Spoiled is Omniscient in the beginning but begins to solely focus on what Craig thinks, feels, and does in his life but features some of Tyler's thoughts as well.
@MamaRaccoon I like writing in first because it feels more personal, but I try to switch off between stories.
@MamaRaccoon I feel weird writing certain stories in first person but I think up my stories in first person, if that makes sense. I like disconnecting from the world and becoming another person in stories, but what I end up writing is an odd mix. Like, it'll be third person but still told through one persons eyes, you know? Gosh I'm rambling...
wtf Wattpad is giving me other people's posts on their message boards and saying they're mine like wut XD
ugh I'm sorry guys for the lack of updates on everything for so long. I've been having so many mental battles lately that it's been extremely difficult for me to focus on anything for long and add on a lot of family issues and it's just a disaster. I want to get back, really I do. I want to work on everything especially Just Like Clockwork, Rags to Riches, It All Started With A Gift, etc. Hopefully I will soon. Just, I dunno... don't give up on me just yet?
@MamaRaccoon Don't worry about posting, your health is more important to us. We all love you and your stories, so we can wait for you. I won't give up on you or anyone else here ever, because you have been so nice to me and have shared your gift of writing with me. I know we don't really know each other, but your writing is really inspirational to me and I love reading your stories, I can feel that you put your heart and soul into each and everything you write.
oof ya boi be thinkin' about going to college ┐( ´¬`)┌
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