
The newest chapter for "The Cursed Princess" is officially out! Though, fair warning, any editing will be done once the entire book is completed. So until, then just bare with me. Updates for all of my books will be coming out much more frequently due to Winter Break. So let me know in the comments below what you think! See you guys soon XD


The newest chapter for "The Cursed Princess" is officially out! Though, fair warning, any editing will be done once the entire book is completed. So until, then just bare with me. Updates for all of my books will be coming out much more frequently due to Winter Break. So let me know in the comments below what you think! See you guys soon XD


Hey everyone,
           I have finally decided to officially unpublish "The Cursed Princess." 
           I think this happens to many authors on Wattpad because in my heart I know that I want to write. But the problem is that I haven't found that one story that really inspires me and makes me excited every time I start a new chapter. "The Cursed Princess" started as an idea for a fairy tale retelling but it  ended as a complete mess. 
          Therefore, I'm going to continue writing and exploring other possible stories that may actually stick with me. So far I'm really excited to start writing, "Darkest Temptations" and continuing my fantasy novel, "The Crown of Thorns."  
          Hopefully it'll stay that way but only time can really tell. 
          Thank you guys for your patience and support. 
          Until next time,
          Lena P.


Have you considered entering the sun awards? I think your book has a chance at winning ✨


@mustacheogal Alright. Thanks for the help. :) 


To be sold :3
            But if your gonna enter pls do it soon the genres of your books are filling up 


@mustacheogal Aw thank you! Which one though? And I might. I would have to check it out. 


Heyo, follow for follow?


@mustacheogal Thanks! I'm glad you like it. :) And it seems like we have similar tastes lol I've read so many of them but a few of them I haven't yet. Thanks for the recommendations. 


Thxs ✨I like your bio, you are really cool. I wanted to give you a recommendation book, but I wasn't sure which one to pick out so feel free to check any of them in my recommendation list, I'd like to think I have good taste in books so yup :3