
@midnight-disaster no way was I offended, I thought you were really polite haha :) I know how you feel about the work load though,  oh my gosh I am not looking forward to my degree! :s


Haha, well that's good! Oh lord, don't even get me thinking about a few years time for when I'm at that stage, I'm barely able to cope now! :')


@midnight-disaster no way was I offended, I thought you were really polite haha :) I know how you feel about the work load though,  oh my gosh I am not looking forward to my degree! :s


Haha, well that's good! Oh lord, don't even get me thinking about a few years time for when I'm at that stage, I'm barely able to cope now! :')


@midnight-disaster I so hate homework. Thanks for taking the time to comment on each chapter, I've got loads to consider now and to develop! :D 


And now I have even more homework than before, so I might have to do the other one at the weekend if that's alright >.< College actually gives so much work, it isn't fair :'( 
            It was a really great read! I'm just really happy you weren't offended by anything I said since I was just trying to be honest to help you improve (y)


Is the story that you wanted a Beta read on posted on Wattpad? I'd love to give it a read soon, I can just give feedback as we go along if that works for you :)


@GinaGeorge Ahaha, I seriously don't mind, just tell me what to read and I'll read it. Werewolves, angels - I love pretty much anything supernatural so I guess it's just whichever one you feel you need feedback on more works for me. I'm in need of something new to read anyway so this works out well for me. 
            Ahaha, why thank you. I pride myself on the fact that I have no life outside my TV shows and music :')


I have started about a million stories (okay, like 7)  but I guess I have one on here and one not on here that I have written a fair amount of. So if you're really, totally sure you don't mind reading through one of them then you could? One is a werewolf story and the other is about an angel, I guess pick which ever sounds best? I can post the angel one tomorrow maybe so you can decide which looks more interesting? 
            Btw, I was looking at your account. Your list of cool things- you have very good taste! XD