
Ain't no way you got the Stupid Ideas book to 1k!! THX so much!!!


Hello. This is just a notice about  the LONGLIVETLC wattpad account. Remember when I prompted a lot of you(including the person reading) to follow that account? Well the truth is, is that I haven't been able to get into the account for quite some time now. So I will leave a link to the account for there is some information there that I need the fans to read. Thank you and sorry for any misunderstanding. Thank you all for reading this. And thank you for your patience.
          -Lee(formerly known as TrinityStar9)

          (There's a note left by me, LeeAngel333 about the discontinuing of the account)
          PS: Please unfollow the account. There won't be anymore work posted there unfortunately. Thank you


Mi querida Rosas, tenga cuidado al estar en las redes sociales. Por favor evite  "Scorpio_937".  Es manipulador, propenso a mentir y roba los diseños, las ideas y el arte de otras personas sin ningún crédito. Trató de robar mis ideas de Hamilton x Little club y trató de robar el diseño Donny de mi amiga Ale. También han mentido sobre cosas como r@p3 y s3xual @ss@ult, diciendo que fueron r@p3d de un amigo imaginario que tenían, y tienden a hacer sentir culpables a las personas con amenazas de s3lf h@rm y su1c1d3. Y he sido una de esas personas que se sienten culpables por esto, y en realidad fui r@p3 anf s3xu@lly @ss@ulted por un amigo hace 4 años, y para cualquier otra persona que se sintió culpable o estuvo en esto situación, lo siento mucho y que Dios bendiga sus corazones, nunca fue su culpa, pero volviendo a los asuntos ... Mis amigos y yo estamos tratando de comunicarnos para advertirles sobre quiénes son realmente, mantenerse a salvo, ser inteligente y protege a los demás, mis pequeñas rosas, publicaré la versión en español para ustedes, mis amigos hispanos. ¡Hasta luego mis Rosas!


My dear Rosas, please be careful while being on social media. Please avoid
           "Scorpio_937". He's manipulative, prone to lying, and steals other people's designs, ideas, and art without any credit, he tried to steal my ideas of Hamilton x Little club and tried to steal my friend, Ale's Donny design. They have also lied about things like r@p3 and s3xual @ss@ult, saying that they got r@p3d by an imaginary friend they had, and they tend to guilt trip people with threats of s3lf h@rm and su1c1d3. And I've been one of those people to be guilt tripped by this, and I was actually r@p3 anf s3xu@lly @ss@ulted by a friend 4 years ago, and for anyone else who was gulit tripped or was in this situtaion, I'm so sorry and that God bless your hearts, it was never your fault but returning back to matters..My friends and I are trying to reach out to warn about who they really are, stay safe, be smart, and protect others my little rosas, I'll post the spanish verison for you my hispanic peeps! Until later my Rosas!


@GinasimpsDonny preach regina!! preach!!!


One thing I would like to be clear, if your using my AU, please note to credit me, you can use different character like Raven as Ham, or Kelly as Eliza, but know that I want you to use my AU but with permission. That's all my Rosas, thanks!