


New phone couple other things tho


I've cried in class today. I've cried at home. R.i.p. Stan Lee. You made such an impact on my life and I want to say thank you. You're a legend and the fans, your family, and the actors and actresses of the MCU will preserve your legacy. You brought me so much happiness through Marvel and I will be forever grateful. You taught me that there is so much more to being a hero than radioactive spider bites and vibranium weapons. We love you and we will miss you ❤


Ight. So none of you will probably see this but I'm gonna post it in the off chance someone might bc it's worth the time. 
          I've been reading this devotional on my bible app and it's based off the song "Known" by Tauren Wells. I've only read through day 2 and last night when I read day 1 I was in tears. It's so very powerful and I'm so glad I found it. 
          Today there was a specific sentence that stuck out to me: "The walls we use to protect our image are the same walls that imprison us with our pain." 
          This hits so hard with me. Tauren wrote about rejection and how we perform to be accepted. We put on a show so people won't judge us or reject us. I know most people in the world aren't Christians. I know they don't know who Jesus is. But this devotional talks about how we are already accepted by God. Before Jesus performed his first miracle he was baptized and a voice spoke- the voice of God- and said "this is my Son in whom I am well pleased." 
          Christ DIED for all of us so God looks past our stains, our sin, our flaws, our mistakes, the rejection of others, and sees a person worth saving. So we should focus on what God wants in our lives and stop trying to achieve perfection. 
          I hope this helps. Have a wonderful day!! ❤


@GingerPotato23 I do devotional but I always forgot about it. But luckily I go to church every Sunday and learn about Him.


@messymendes I use the You version bible app. You go to plans and search "Known" it should pop up


That song is very powerful, and every time I hear it I tear up. I wanna do this devotional now! I guess I’ll have to see if I can find it. What app do you use?