
Happy Valentine's Day... Another day to try and hug my cat... It didn't end well. 


Hey, it's me. Ginny (Vee). Abbi (you guys know her) convinced me to come back and stuff. I can't access this account anymore, I can't remember the password to it or my email. I'll be continuing my books on this account, if you guys are wondering. I've changed in the past two years. I have four cats, a hamster. Everyone's doing good, schools tough, though. Missed you guys. If you wanna catch up with me, I'll be doing another randomness book over on this account too. I just set it up two hours ago. It's really late over here, but I'll be on for another hour or two. Hope to reconnect on this account, see you guys sometime soon.


It's nice to see all our messages with Camo..
          All the memories we shared...
          But,  We can't have anymore because...
          We lost Camo..
          She was like a sister or friend... To you.
          She would've gave the WORLD to see you.
          Please know she loved you ❤
          I really hope you're online and you see this..


            I can't control tears...


@Flowett  Its fine, Camo would have forgave you. She was a good friend and had a golden heart, I plan to make a recreation of her account. She would have enjoyed it. For now, I just have to cry myself to sleep at night.. thinking.. about what good friends she was to us.


            I could of been there for you, instead- I was just goofing off and not being a good friend. I'm sorry, Camo and Pastel. 