
I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting ENTWINED into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have an amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. the second book ENAMOURED is completed and available on Wattpad ♡ 


@agatharoza  Oh wow did not see this at all as I don't pay attention to my notifications or whatever  and it's so late, but your welcome. I'm a big reader all around no biggie(hence lots of lists) and love to see what out on wattpad and real published books so interesting! It's cool that you found me too as I just read and congratulations on 9 millions read for ENTWINED.Thanks for the ENAMOURED heads up, will get to it soon. Sending lots or love and success on your writing journey ♡