
Well, some people asked when I will update and the only thing I can say is another 'as soon as I have the time'.
          	It's the first time I said it like that, but many people use these words, that's why 'another'.
          	I really have a problem finding the time for it, as I normally start a chapter and finish it in one go, so I need a few hours of uninterrupted peace. But with family around me and people texting me all the time with some problems I can't be uninterrupted and can't get into the flow.
          	I normally wrote late at night years ago, but I can't do that anymore with work.
          	So all I can say is 'the next time I don't have to work, am alone for hours, feel motivated enough, won't get interrupted and don't have to work the next day.'


Well, some people asked when I will update and the only thing I can say is another 'as soon as I have the time'.
          It's the first time I said it like that, but many people use these words, that's why 'another'.
          I really have a problem finding the time for it, as I normally start a chapter and finish it in one go, so I need a few hours of uninterrupted peace. But with family around me and people texting me all the time with some problems I can't be uninterrupted and can't get into the flow.
          I normally wrote late at night years ago, but I can't do that anymore with work.
          So all I can say is 'the next time I don't have to work, am alone for hours, feel motivated enough, won't get interrupted and don't have to work the next day.'


So, I just found out that AO3 didn‘t save 2 of my works (one was a Birthday-OneShot for June 6) and I was just like:
          „Ok, re-upload them, find the error if there is one, and everything is fine.“ (except I had to edit them the first time)
          Then I searched for them on my IPad and this thing DELETED the fics on it‘s own, to get more memory capacity.
          What. THE. EFF!
          I can be happy that it were „just“ my stories and not some important document, but seriously!?
          I even denied it deleting things beforehand a few months ago, since it deleted images from a field trip.
          Since I didn‘t upload them to a cloud, because internet was a little b****, I can re-write them now.
          Gonna cry now, then start the work. TT.TT


Also, I didn‘t upload it to Wattpad this time, because of said internet problems.
            So it‘s really just gone forever


Danke fürs folgen, wie kam es dazu?


@ GioTsu-Fan01  Danke ^^ Naja, Schuri ist noch ein sehr junger Drache. Aber über das Kompliment freue ich mich natürlich!


@Arodil_Schurikan und ich habe erst beim abschicken bemerkt, dass es auf englisch war, sorry xD


@Arodil_Schurikan .......... I read the MaD Schreibmarathon conversation ........ Schuri sounded cute ..........


          Ij ypaleeg op ij ain vuntafohle FahnFikdjon shraiber zohl!!!!!!!!!
          Duh hazd mij Kevyl gehkepan greatief shraiber tsu majer köhnan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          Ich überleg[,] ob ich eine wundervolle FanFiktion schreiben soll[.]
          Du hast mir [das]Gefühl gegeben[,] kreativ schreiben zu machen können ( / schreiben zu wollen / Du hast mich inspiriert)[.]


so, I#m reading through Only Mine to understand what I wrote the last time and to get all the informations again.... and then I read effing "shelter" while I describe a room and I'm sitting here like "B****! What the eff did you write there!? A effing shelter full of games and movies beside a flat screen TV!? What kinda drugs did you take back then?!?!"
          and yes, I'm calling myself "You" in my mind if I rant about myself


Uh, well... Hey guys.
          As you maybe still remember, I exist...
          And I wanted to tell, why I didn‘t update in I think 2 years.
          My life got stressful 2 years ago with school and family. Eventhough the school part is finished for now (I graduated in the beginning of July) I now had to find a job (which I did) and the stress with my family is still there.
          Other stressful parts are that I will begin my job in September and I have to get my drivers license until then, so I‘m working on this right now. But to my annoyance I had to have a little surgery, nothing big or dangerous, last week and can‘t drive until Friday morning because of the meds. I also leased a garden my father leased before me (he has a drinking problem and didn‘t take care of it since 3 years prior) 2 years ago and have to look after it (childhood memories, meh).
          I sometimes thought about updating, as I have a bit more time now, but I don‘t want to with the meds in my body, as I saw what bullsh*t I actually wrote some people on different platforms and I don‘t want this in the stories.
          I again apologize to everyone that ask for updates and to all that are (still) waiting. I‘ll try to update as soon as possible, but I can‘t promise a certain day or time, sorry.
          I also thank @Elifizia as she helped me with some things during these 2 years (like always telling me to update, helping with problems in stories and more). Girl, you were a REALLY big help, thank you!
          Thanks to her the next chapter for Only Mine is ready in notes and I only have to write it out, so thanks again.
          And again sorry for being silent and not updating or informing anyone about what‘s going on.