
          	No problem cx


Just wanted to say that I absolutely love your books, and I can't wait for your next updates on all of them! You have such strong writings and emotion and life that runs through your stories that makes the readers feel something as well! Keep up the amazing work 


@hayl-to-the-no Thank you so much i appreciate it! I will be updating all my books very soon just bear with me :)


Hey, I just completed all of your books and it stated that you were looking for an editor. I personally think you don't need one because they were completely perfect and in desperate need of an update, BUT if you are still looking I would be glad to fill in that spot.


Hey, thank you! And yes I've been working on consistently updating and I will be soon. And thank you so much I would love that if you don't mind!


@Girl-You-Love, Thanks for the follow!  I look forward to exchanging comments soon.
          Please take a look at my Schifflebein's Folly if you have time. I would really like your opinions, and I think it will give you a smile or a chuckle.
          Wishing you all the best,


@IrisChacon2 Thank you as well for the follow and I will be sure to check it out   ;)