
Happy New Year guys *insert emojis that wont show up here*.


He smiled and we smiled.
          He laughed and we laughed.
          He cried and we cried.
          Once he was happy, we were too.
          We shared our emotions and thought we knew him like the back of our hand.
          But we were wrong.
          On Monday the 18th of December, Kim Jonghyun of SHINee was pronounced dead at 6-6:30 KST and Gangnam hospital. He died of carbon monoxide poisoning... that he inflicted on himself. Jonghyun was suffering from depression. And no one knew. Not his family, not his members, not us who used to consider ourselves experts. Being a stan is not about being able to tell who you're looking at by their ears. It's about being able to know when our loved ones are not ok. Even when the slightest thing seems off, we should draw it to the attention of the fandom. Idols save us from depression, lets try to do the same. And if you are in the same place as Jonghyun, I beg you, please talk to someone. I am here if you need to. Just talk to someone before it's too late.
          ♡Rest in Peace Jonghyun. We love you. Now and forever♡. I just wish we found out before it was too late.