
Hey everyone, I know I have said lately I would bring out a new chapter. Sadly life has been very busy and cant find time to continue…
          	As well as the fact that I am not sure what to write next, what else can i do to this poor Alex?
          	The struggle is real, but nothing I cant handle. 
          	So for all my followers and readers of my sissy games story: 
          	I WILL CONTINUE, but I cant give a date, sorry for saying previous week, I had something ready but it was stupid and had to write something new.
          	Of course, you all wonder but when? When do you have time? 
          	In februari, I am done with the project for school that has been gnawing on my free time last 2 months. Its far away, but atleast the story will continue. 
          	Please to everyone, if you have some ideas, write them down, you guys have given me some ideas already, for those that I have not used I am sorry I might have forgotten about them…   …or not found place to use it yet.
          	So again, IT WILL CONTINUE!!!


@I_Am_IronMan117 thank you so much! You are a great help!


Hey everyone, I know I have said lately I would bring out a new chapter. Sadly life has been very busy and cant find time to continue…
          As well as the fact that I am not sure what to write next, what else can i do to this poor Alex?
          The struggle is real, but nothing I cant handle. 
          So for all my followers and readers of my sissy games story: 
          I WILL CONTINUE, but I cant give a date, sorry for saying previous week, I had something ready but it was stupid and had to write something new.
          Of course, you all wonder but when? When do you have time? 
          In februari, I am done with the project for school that has been gnawing on my free time last 2 months. Its far away, but atleast the story will continue. 
          Please to everyone, if you have some ideas, write them down, you guys have given me some ideas already, for those that I have not used I am sorry I might have forgotten about them…   …or not found place to use it yet.
          So again, IT WILL CONTINUE!!!


@I_Am_IronMan117 thank you so much! You are a great help!


Hey everyone! The boardgame from the sissy games is life! Give it a try if you dare, and let me know if it needs any improvements! If you like it leave a star and comment your experience!


@I_Am_IronMan117 yeah I get it, playing it with other would propably be way more fun (no clue havent tried it ever before). Making the minigames is difficult since you have to rally on games where you have to be lucky. If you have any ideas, let me know! 


@GirlgamemasterXxX, I tried it out. It was a bit boring playing by myself, but it was fun. I think the mini games are a great way of moving forward and backward. The fact that a lot of the game relies on die throws does make it feel like your goal of Mario Party style. I think you have something with a bit of refining that could be a real-life board game. I do wish I was actually playing the in universe game though 


@I_Am_IronMan117 Hi! Did you try it out yet? 


Hey, how’s life been treating you?


@Outlander234 No worries, I have the same sometimes when I dont get tagged. I am happy to hear your doing well! 


@GirlgamemasterXxX I’m doing good, I’m close to completing my first two years so that’s good. Sorry for the late reply since you didn’t tag me I wasn’t notified. 


Hey! It’s good, I had a busy time but that’s finally over, except for xmas being around the corner. How are you doing? 


Hey everyone, i havent uploaden in a while, first cause i was quite busy. Now i am at vacation, next week i will start making new chapters again


Aahw thank you so much! ❤️


@GirlgamemasterXxX, enjoy your vacation. I love your work! ❤️


Hey everyone, I was wondering would you like to see images with the text or rather imagine it yourself? 


@GirlgamemasterXxX you could always use an AI image creating software to get the images of characters. I know, personally I'd love to see the true transformation of Alex!


I just went back and looked at the chapters with the images added and I really liked it!! But I could go either way, I am going to read the story with or without them 


@GirlgamemasterXxX id love images. I know I’d love to have seen images of hair, or outfits for all the chapters. Especially the one where he was dressed as a Maid and Vampiress


Hello everyone! I am so happy my story reached 5000+ reads, readers? Idk. 
          Anyways! I was wondering if you guys have any ideas for:
          2th to 7th place punishments!
          I already got a lot of great ideas for 8th place punishments. Which you guys helped me with! ❤️ 


Thank you! And i can’t tell how many cause i don’t wanna spoiler anything. But definitly one more


@GirlgamemasterXxX 2nd could be smaller things like light make up, 3rd place could start introducing more feminine clothing, 4th could be he has to start learning more mannerisms, 5th could be a hair extensions or more daily make up added to the routine already. 6th, he should have to get his ears pierced(as a start). 7th He should have to learn more "feminine" tasks.
            Speaking of 8th place punishments, are we going to be seeing him get 8th a couple of times?


So what is everyone’s favorite part so far? 


@lilbunnieboi dont worry! I am happy you enjoy the story ❤️


I am a bit late but I have 4.
            I really liked the games in a different kind of skin and a dark place. I thought Stacy’s second punishment was really good and I enjoyed Alex and embers little date.
            This is a really good story and I have been really enjoying it!!


Oeh i like those too! 


Why did the new chapter vanish 


@GirlgamemasterXxX when will the next one be up? Just curious as it’s been a few days