
          	If you’ve been reading my book ‘Knowing Jace Wonders’ then you have to know that the name will be changed to ‘They Came With Secrets’
          	This won’t affect the plot in anyway, it’s just something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. Okay, bye!


          If you’ve been reading my book ‘Knowing Jace Wonders’ then you have to know that the name will be changed to ‘They Came With Secrets’
          This won’t affect the plot in anyway, it’s just something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. Okay, bye!


Hello there! I just found your book  Knowing Jace Wonders and I enjoy reading it. Do you have instagram or facebook? I would love to follow your social media if you don't mind, thanks!


@nanana_na13 Of course I wouldn't mind! I just created an account for my books recently so I'll need the follows.
            Head to Instagram @girlinpajamass
            Thanks for the support! ❤️